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Modifications for the Product Category Dropdowns WordPress plugin:

Don't forget to disable plugin update after applying a modification:

Horizontal view
This modification will display all drop-down selects in one line and will display one select per line on mobile (responsive) view.
screenshot 1
screenshot 2
download modified files and instructions :
download the Product Category Dropdowns 1.0.0 plugin with all files modified:
Start from selected category
This modification will display child categories of some selected category instead of the root categories in the first drop-down select.
You will have to specify the category ID in the .php file like this:
protected $_startFromCategoryId = 16;
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Only root categories
It will display only the first drop-down with the root categories.
After selecting the first drop-down it will redirect to the category page.
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Exclude some root categories
It will not display some categories in the first dropdown select.
You will have to specify category ids in the .php file like this:
$excludeCategoryIds = array(15, 56, 12);
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Limit number of levels
This modification will submit after selecting the second dropdown select.
You can specify the number of levels in the .js file like this:
levelLimit : 2,
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Only categories with in stock products
It will display only the categories that have products available for purchase (In Stock).
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Display empty categories
It will display categories with no products in the dropdown selects.
Instructions: display_empty_categories.txt
Category sort order
It will display categories in Category order instead of ordering alphabetically by name.
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Custom dropdown titles
With this modification you can specify custom titles for the first, second and the third drop-down selects.
Also it is possible to display different titles depending on the first selected category.
You will have to specify the category titles in the .js file like this:
var selectTitles = ["-- select category --", "-- select sub category --", "-- select sub sub category --"];
download modified files and instructions :
Disable auto search
To make it not search automatically when the last category is selected.
User will have to click the Search button to see the results.
Replace the line:

// this.submitCategory(cId);

in the file:
Display default selects on page load
It will make three drop-down selects always visible.
download modified files and instructions :
NOTE: If you need it for make and model selection check this plugin:
Display image for selected category
It will display an image below the drop-down selects for the selected category.
You will have to specify image file names for category ids in the .js file like this:
images[91] = '3157.jpeg';
images[89] = 'Car.gif';
and then to upload the images in some folder on your website.
download modified files and instructions :
Display product tags in the last dropdown
It will display product tags in the last drop-down select after selecting all categories.
screenshot 1
screenshot 2
download modified files and instructions:
download the Product Category Dropdowns 1.0.0 plugin with all files modified:
Display products in the last dropdown
It will display an extra drop-down select with products for the last selected category.
You can buy this modification on the page: /pcd-products-in-last-dropdown.html
Products of the same category
It will display a drop-down select on the product page with other products of the same category.
So that the user can switch the product.
This drop-down select can be added to the product page with a shortcode.
screenshot 1
screenshot 2
download modified files and instructions: